Time Wise Gainers
Are you seeking information about Time Wise Gainers and Losers Stocks for various sectors like NIFTY, BankNifty, and many other sectors in different timeframes? You're on the right page. Here we have provided a free and effective online tool called Time Wise Gainers for Intraday Trading.
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Symbol | LTP | 5 min | 15 min | 30 min | 60 min |
AUBANK | 624.35 ▲2.70(0.43%) | -0.13% | -0.06% | 0.09% | 0.06% |
AXISBANK | 1141.35 ▲2.05(0.18%) | -0.01% | 0.11% | -0.10% | -0.07% |
BANDHANBNK | 181.15 ▲1.55(0.86%) | 0.19% | -0.47% | -0.74% | -0.66% |
BANKBARODA | 261.40 ▼-1.50(-0.57%) | 0.02% | 0.08% | 0.19% | 0.00% |
CANBK | 113.80 ▲0.10(0.09%) | 0.04% | -0.13% | 0.00% | 0.04% |
CUB | 151.85 ▼-2.05(-1.33%) | 0.03% | -0.62% | -0.59% | -1.24% |
FEDERALBNK | 163.85 ▼-0.25(-0.15%) | -0.12% | 0.12% | 0.12% | 0.00% |
HDFCBANK | 1464.10 ▲3.85(0.26%) | -0.21% | 0.07% | 0.06% | 0.11% |
ICICIBANK | 1130.50 ▼-0.55(-0.05%) | -0.05% | -0.03% | -0.09% | -0.02% |
IDFCFIRSTB | 77.20 ▲0.15(0.19%) | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.13% | -0.13% |
INDUSINDBK | 1412.35 ▲3.60(0.26%) | -0.06% | 0.40% | 0.38% | 0.41% |
KOTAKBANK | 1696.55 ▲24.50(1.47%) | -0.15% | -0.16% | -0.14% | -0.23% |
PNB | 133.10 ▲4.85(3.78%) | 0.30% | 0.72% | 0.72% | 1.18% |
RBLBANK | 258.25 ▲4.10(1.61%) | -0.08% | 0.27% | -0.41% | -0.60% |
SBIN | 766.10 ▲15.65(2.09%) | 0.05% | 0.22% | 0.39% | 0.52% |